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Intake form


You may join as a new patient of the Birth Progrem if:

-your family doctor is a "Birth Program" doctor (see "Existing Patients", below)

-you do not have a family doctor 

-you do have a family doctor (in Squamish, Whistler or Pemberton) but your doctor does not deliver babies

-If you are from Whistler/Pemberton please call Diamond Head Medical Clinic to book at our Saturday Whistler clinic​


Patients who already have a family doctor can self-refer to our group - just book a first prenatal appointment with the physician/midwife of your choice. Alternatively, your family doctor can send a referral letter (to any one of us) and forward results of any tests that may have already done, however a referral letter is not necessary in order to join as a patient.





If your family doctor is Dr. Illingworth, Kelly, Siemens, Tavares, Leighton or Boeke and you are pregnant, you can simply continue seeing your family doctor for your prenatal care. Your doctor will be excited to learn of your pregnancy :) As family physicians, we take great pride in looking after our patients during such an exciting and important milestone in their lives. In this situation, you will automatically be registered with The Birth Program for your pregnancy and for your delivery.

Information about visits and tests

The "first prenatal visit" will be booked as a longer visit. During this visit, we go through your entire medical, gynecological and obstetrical history. We will review and order tests that you require and/or opt to have. At one of your appointments early in the pregnancy we will do a full physical exam, which may include a Pap test if you are due for this. Then, you will have routine prenatal appointments scheduled with your doctor at regular intervals.


The purpose of these visits is to conduct physical check-ups which screen for any problems with mom or baby, to discuss questions or concerns that you have, and to organize and follow-up on lab and ultrasound tests. Normally, we see women every 4 weeks for the first 2 trimesters, every 2 weeks from 28 to 36 weeks, and weekly thereafter until they deliver. If you have a partner or support person that would like to attend your visits, please feel free to bring them to any and all of your appointments. 


Often, women wonder what tests will be ordered during an uncomplicated pregnancy.


  • In the first trimester, we will order a panel of bloodwork which includes: a blood count, your blood type, an HIV test, a Hepatitis B test, a syphilis test, immunity to Rubella, a screen for thyroid function, a urine culture.

  • A chlamydia/gonorrhea test will routinely be collected by urine or by swab 

  • Sometime after 7 weeks gestation, a dating ultrasound will be ordered to accurately determine your due date

  • We will discuss "prenatal genetic testing" with you, which is something that you may or may not choose to have done. There are a couple of testing options, both private and covered by MSP. We will discuss this in the first trimester since most of the options are best done early. Check the links page for more information on these tests!

  • Between 18-22 weeks, the detailed ultrasound is requested. This looks at the baby's anatomy, can usually determine the gender if desired, and tells us the position of the placenta. 

  • Between 24-28 weeks, another blood test is ordered. This includes a recheck of your blood count/iron level as well as your blood type. It also includes the test for gestational diabetes, which involves drinking a syrupy orange drink at the lab and then waiting 1-2 hours at the lab for the blood draw. Bring a book or magazine :)

  • Between 35-37 weeks, you will have a vaginal swab done for "Group B streptococcus". This is a bacteria found in the lower genital/GI tract of approximately one third of women. It is harmless to women, but can sometimes cause very serious infections in babies. We screen for it, and then those who carry it are given antibiotics during their labour to decrease risk to the baby. (More info in links).



Please go to Squamish General Hospital for any of the following concerns; the doctor on-call will be paged and will see you there.
  • You are in active labour

    • your contractions are regular, painful and 3-5 minutes apart​

    • your contractions are so painful that you need medication

  • Your water breaks, or you think it may have

  • You have bright red vaginal bleeding

  • You are concerned that your baby is not moving as much as usual

Diamond Head Medical Clinic: 604-849-0917

Drs. Kelly, Siemens, Leighton, McEwen & Boeke

Midwives: Kazuko, Kimberly & Shawna + Lydia (Postpartum Only)

NP: Shandell King (Prenatal Only)

#210 - 37989 Cleveland Ave â€‹

Elaho Medical Clinic:  604.892.5688

Dr. Illingworth

1337 Pemberton Ave​

Squamish Medical Clinic: 604.892.3535

Dr Tavares & Farrell

37979 Cleveland Ave

Whistler Health Centre

Midwife: Meghan (Prenatal & Postpartum)


Contacting the Provider on-call

If you are in labour or require urgent attention related to your pregnancy, please go to Squamish General Hospital Emergency, and the provider will be paged.

If concerns about labour and when to come in you can call the SGH Nursing phone:  604-815-8992

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